Palestra: Metasurfaces for chipless RFIDs, sensors and wearable antennas, apresentada pelo Dr. Simone Genovesi

Palestra: Metasurfaces for chipless RFIDs, sensors and wearable antennas, apresentada pelo Dr. Simone Genovesi

Na próxima quinta feira, dia 17 de setembro às 09h30 haverá a palestra intitulada: “Metasurfaces for chipless RFIDs, sensors and wearable antennas”, apresentada pelo Dr. Simone Genovesi.

In this talk, the properties of high-impedance surfaces (HISs) will be briefly summarized and applied for designing innovative Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) devices and low-profile antennas. More in detail, the concept of the chipless RFID tag will be addressed and implementations based on different encoding schemes will be presented as well as the challenges that are involved in recovering the information in a real environment. The exploitation of chipless RFIDs for realizing low-cost sensors will be also addressed. The use of metasurfaces for achieving compact and efficient wearable antennas will be discussed and the importance of unit cell miniaturization will be highlighted. Finally, the use of additive processes to manufacture low-cost implementations of the described structures will be presented.


Link do formulário de inscrição:
O link do google Meet sera enviado aos inscritos um dia antes, na quarta, dia 16 de setembro.


Organização: Capítulo IEEE APS da Seção Nordeste – Capítulo Estudantil APS UFCG.


Associado Mantenedor


Campus do Instituto Mauá de Tecnologia - IMT
Praça Mauá, n°1 CEP:09580-900
São Caetano do Sul - SP
TEL/FAX: (11) 42388988

Area do Associado
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