Palestra “High Performance Horn Antennas” por Carlos del Río Bocio

Palestra “High Performance Horn Antennas” por Carlos del Río Bocio

Nesta Quinta-feira, dia 3 de setembro às 09h, haverá a palestra intitulada: “High Performance Horn Antennas”, organizada pelo Capítulo IEEE APS da Seção Nordeste – Capítulo Estudantil APS UFCG.


This presentation has the main purpose of summarizing the design techniques of the new technology corrugated horn antenna developed since 1995 in the Antenna Group of the Public University of Navarra.
This type of world-wide accepted antennas, known as corrugated Gaussian Profiled Horn Antennas, (GPHA’s); are now-a-days the best possible solution to obtain radiation patterns of very high restrictive requirements.
Corrugated GPHA’s are better than the rest of corrugated horn antennas in two particular aspects:
- They present much lower sidelobes than any other corrugated profile
- They are usually shorter than the rest of corrugated profiles because their performance qualities are superior.
Therefore, these antennas are usually the preferred choice of many research groups around the world to develop corrugated horns for their research projects.
Antennas of this type are at present on board of Hispasat 1C/1D/1E and ASTRA 3B and also used in the ESA’s Planck satellite and now-a-days a new version of a corrugated GPHA is being commercialized by the British company Flann Microwave, Ltd.

Carlos del Río Bocio (M’93, SM’14) Since 1993, he develops his research and docent activities in the Public University of Navarra in the Electric and Electronic Engineering department. Nowadays he is full professor in the Electronic and Electronic Engineering Department of the Public University of Navarra and is working in the Antenna Research Group.His expertise covers horn antenna design in general, satellite and terrestrial communications, study of periodic structures, Coherently Radiating Periodic Structures(CORPS), cooperative beam forming networks, meta-materials applied to antenna applications, hyperacuity, inverse problem copying the human eye, image processing,numerical computation software based on mode matching and scattering matrix,antenna measurements, far-and near field measurement chambers, compact ranges, etc.He has authored more than 120 papers published on international journals and conferences. Nowadays, he is the director of the Institute of Smart Cities of the Public University of Navarra.
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